Looking up the definition of "takeaway" using Google, I found it defined as "a key fact, point or idea to be remembered, typically one emerging from a discussion or meeting". In recent years however, I've been finding something beyond that definition.
We seem to have entered an era where there has often been impetus to do as much harm as possible to as many people as possible by taking away as many things as possible. Please consider the following examples.
1. After many decades, our town sanitation department decided to take away making trash pickups from cans placed in homeowners' yards. Trash receptacles must now be brought by residents to and from the curb. Being in my mid-seventies and having survived four heart attacks, my outlook on this decision is less than charitable.
http://longisland.news12.com/news/town-of-hempstead-eliminates-backdoor-garbage-pickup-1.11984660 (This URL now deleted.):
2. The local MTA decided to take away bus service from many parts of this community. As a result, there is no longer any public bus service that passes within walking distance of my home.
3. For many years, our local electric utility provided postage-paid envelopes with its monthly bills. There was once a radio inteview with a utility company executive who explained that doing so enhanced the rate of prompt remittances from the customer base which was of significant financial benefit.
On September 7, 2018, this slip of paper came in the mail to announce that a decision to take away those postage-paid envelopes.
I have no faith at all in the "security" of paying bills on line which seems to be the company's goal to have customers do. In that regard, I detect the fine hand of newly minted, still wet behind the ears, MBA bean counters and yes, I do mean to exude contempt.
4. The New York Times has taken away printed television schedules:
I find the attitude of this article's author to be contemptuous of much of The New York Times readership. As written, I infer that those of us who still avail ourselves of on-air broadcasting are not worthy of Ms. Bahr's nor other staff's attention.
I surmise that the real reason for this discontinuance is cost cutting, but that aspect is not mentioned.
5. Quantity Per Box
The upper box of 190 count has replaced the lower box of 210 count. Of course, this kind of product shrinkage is by no means unprecedented.
6. Grocery Shopping Hours
We can no longer depend on unfettered grocery store access. Look at these two photos of a nearby King Kullen:
However, for all of the above annoyances (which is what I say most of them are), much more serious takings away have also been seen being attempted and committed in recent years.
These have been earnest efforts made at taking away people's health care access, taking away people's voting opportunities, taking away people's food, taking away people's homes, taking away people's children and most tragically of all, with denials of biological reality and for lack of simple medical common sense, the taking away of people's lives.